Monday, October 23, 2006

Daddy and Matthew walking and riding

Daddy and Matthew again

Look who thinks he's Tarzan!!!

Matthew at Century plaza

Matthew and Caitlin

These next three pictures are of the "Mistress of Disguise"

Aunt Tracie and Matthew

"See what happens when I have to listen to Aunt Tracie talking forever?"

Matthew with the Frog Prince at Kirkland's

Caroline and Cailtin playing at the library

Daddy and Caitlin waiting for the girls' to get their shots

Neither of the girls would stay seated in the small seat of their carts so Josh just put them together for the trip back to the car.

Yes,that's a lemon Caitlin is eating.Remember Matthew would eat them like crazy as a baby too?

Saying goodbye to Meemaw and Paw Paw

The kids at the Sandpiper Beacon

Matthew thinks he's a crocodile hunter

He caught one!!! Although I think that's really an alligator.

Caroline standing by a dolphin

Matthew playing putt putt

Caroline waintg for the game to be over

Caitlin had a turtle dress on so I thought it would be cute to take a picture of her with the big turtle

Matthew on the turtle

Matthews on the dolphin

Caitlin looking at somehtign on the ground

Caroline wanting the camera

Matthew in a huge chair

Matthew hates the sun in his eyes and he was trying to play with his Gameboy and couldn't see it from the glare.We didn't know he had the blanket over his head until I looked back to check on them.That's was something funny to see!||  Posted by Picasa