Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter at Mee Maws

Sweating to the youngies. Caitlin and Mee Maw working out on Mee Maw's Ab Lounge.

Caitlin and Mee Maw ....again.

Caroline on Daddy's lap.

Caroline on Daddys lap....eating my watch.

Strawberry fields forever

Now time for pickin' strawberries

Hard at work

Taking a break to pose with Mee Maw

Taste testing

Pretty aren't they?

The END !! (Literally) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Art Gallery

Check out these wonderful drawings that Matthew did. Tell me is he more like Picasso or Einstein? This one is a Spider

This is a whale

And a dog. Please leave comments. Posted by Picasa

Pretty as a picture

This is my PRETTY pose.

Like Brother like Sister. Funny both of them opened their mouth at the same time.

Matthew is hunting Easter eggs. Why can't I? Posted by Picasa

Angel ?

This is one of my more angelic moments. Posted by Picasa

And now presenting Bugs Bunny.

My two teeth. I win, I win. I got my teeth before Caroline. Woo-hoo !! Posted by Picasa